Yoga as a way of life

P Malini, Chennai

Yoga is a form of exercise and an ancient Indian philosophy that teaches us how to control our body and mind. It helps with the union of an individual’s mind, body, and soul with God. Regularly practising yoga helps the body become active and also keeps us cheerful and healthy. Yoga can lead to a balance filled with coordination, morality, cleanliness, peace, and presence of mind.

While I have been practising yoga for the last 6 years, I became more regular during the pandemic. I imbibe the following cardinal rules every day:  

  1. Avoiding white sugar. 
  2. Consuming more fibre-rich fruits. 
  3. Including protein with breakfast. 
  4. Eating more vegetables. 
  5. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep. 
  6. Eliminating refined flour. 
  7. Drinking 2 to 3 litres of water.
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