Thyroid Health

thyroid Health

On my journey from hypothyroidism to euthyroid

-Ravi Teja, Editor for a Digital Marketing company, Hyderabad

I have been working with a digital marketing company in Hyderabad for over 8 years. I spent the better part of my stay here in hostels/PG accommodations as my parents were living in a different state. A health camp organized by my office in December 2016 revealed my case of hypothyroidism. I had an initial TSH value of 98 μIU/mL (the ideal value should range between 0.35 – 5.5 μIU/mL). While I was experiencing symptoms prior, with that health camp, I was diagnosed with a severe case of hypothyroidism.

I had worse symptoms in the months that followed. These included extreme drowsiness throughout the day, fatigue, headaches, constipation, muscle cramps, and fogginess in the head. There was a time when I was drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee in the mornings just to keep myself awake and alert at work. Every night I used to go to bed hoping I would wake up energized the next morning (something that seldom happened).

Over the course of the next few months, my condition seemed to worsen (despite being on thyroid medication for a while). At the peak, my TSH levels were at 124 μIU/mL. While I saw some relief by following some of the practices recommended by my doctor, my levels fluctuated, and I could never experience total health and energy.

I was determined to get my health back and was doing research on identifying the root cause of my condition. Fortunately so, I came in contact with the Holistic Wellness Club through a friend. The dietary and lifestyle modifications suggested by my wellness coach, coupled with a strict exercise regimen, had brought my thyroid levels back on track. My symptoms have almost resolved, and I feel as energetic as ever. I am 100% confident that, through this journey, I can reverse my hypothyroidism and be totally off medications in the near future!

Our health is in our hands. I believe that by identifying the root cause, we can reverse any medical condition and experience complete health and wellness!

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